Saturday, 24 December 2011


When all of the pages were complete, I was able to connect all of the pages together so that it became fully functional. This was tested by myself and I am happy that it all works the way I had planned. However, when this was tested at home there were several problems. On some of the pages the background boxes had disappeared and the audio player wasnt working the way it should. The music would play when the page loaded but the pause and skip buttons weren't working. I am not sure whether these problems are due to saving issues or another issue.

Forum Page

The forum page has again been created through the use of online html. I was unable to find a straight forward forum page which fit the style of my website so have added in a chat widget instead. Although I was able to edit the colour to my liking I am not completely happy with this choice as the chat room is too public and informal where as I and my client would have preferred something in which the youth would sign into and be able to discuss certain topics. Therefore if I have time I will look for a forum to include instead. I decided to take out the three boxes for this page as I didn’t feel they would be needed or contain any relevant information for the page. 

Music and Video Pages

Both the music and video pages were created in a similar way again finding and editing three images from the internet to connect to useful websites. For the main content I researched into Christian artists and relevant videos, embedding these into the Iframe from YouTube. These videos were resized to fit into the Iframe and text was added for the audiences use. These pages were fairly straightforward to make and I encountered few problems, however, I would still like to add some more videos to this is possible. 

About and Contact Pages

The about page has been made to provide information on all youth activities at the church. Therefore, I created logos for each of these activities except one which already existed, and inserted these into the iframe. I was unable to receive much information on these activities from my client otherwise I would have liked to link these logos to a separate page with further information. I again added three images to the right hand side which link to other websites which I felt relevant and one which linked to a contact page made by myself.

For the contact page I found a contact box online and edited the style and colours to suit my website design, pasting the html code into an iframe. I linked the box up to the youth pastors work email so that people can contact him directly from the website. I also included a link to other contacts via the existing church website. 


I tried to make an embedded twitter feed on a separate page for the twitter logo to connect to but was unsuccessful at finding a suitable widget which fit the page. I wish to log into the church Twitter account and do this via the account but am not yet certain on whether this will be possible. 
In the end I was unable to complete this so instead I have made the Twitter logo into a hyperlink which connects to the churches direct Twitter feed. 

Home Page

For the home page I used the template created and added a slideshow into the iframe so that I could display more than one image. I then inserted images into the three side boxes using graphics I found online and text I created myself. The main image was taken from the current church website as my client didn’t have time to send me any other graphics and I have not had time yet to make my own. I inserted an mp3 player into the corner of the home page and changed the settings so that it would play my chosen songs whenever someone visited it. However, this player does not work on all computers and I will have to look at this later on.
Other than issues with the audio player, I had some difficulties again with placing in the content as the size of the table kept changing and I had to adjust the table and image properties until this was successful. This was quite time consuming but should make the rest of the website easy to finish as I am now aware of the issues.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Adding in the content proved difficult throughout this project for many reasons. I was unable to meet up with my client throughout most of this time and found communication with him quite difficult. This meant that requested content was not provided when needed and I had to do a lot of research and design my own graphics in order to create the content myself. However, he had given me a range of ideas for the content he wished the website to include so I had some information to work with.